Foam Rental Equipment & Material

Our spray foam rental rigs are built with the same equipment the professionals use to spray their jobs.

Why buy high priced DIY foam kits, or an expensive foam rig that will be nearly impossible to sell? Rent one of our high output foam rigs for your project and forget the hassle!

Below is a description of our spray foam rental rigs….


32ft enclosed goose neck trailers equipped with closed cell spray foam insulation designed to keep materials at designated temperatures for maximum material yields.

Proportioning Machine:

Graco EXP-2. This is a high output spray foam machine with large heaters. This machine is capable of spraying large quantities of spray foam quickly, at high temperatures and pressures.

Transfer Pumps:

Graco 2:1 Transfer pumps. These high grade pumps, supply the foam machine with material from the foam barrels.

Heated Hose:

Graco 210 ft. heated hose. This hose contains a heating element which controls material temperatures once the foam leaves the machine. This is essential to accurate foam production.

Spray Gun:

Graco Fusion AP. Our foam rental rigs are equipped with (2) spray foam guns minimizing downtime and speeding install times.


Air Compressor:

Ingersoll Rand 80 gallon air compressor. This compressor is high output and high CFM which supplies critical air to the transfer pumps and spray gun.

Air Compressor





U.S. Spray Foam Rentals purchases our material in bulk quantities from multiple large nationwide distributors which decreases overall costs and saves you money. Lower cost for us means lower costs for you!

We are able to supply you with open cell and closed cell foam. Our materials are of the highest quality and latest formulas. Our material is never opened until it arrives on your job site ensuring that you get every ounce of foam material you pay for!


U.S. Spray Foam Rentals on YouTube…